Human Rights Policy

Sabert Corporation is committed to a work environment that is free from human trafficking, forced labor and unlawful child labor (“human trafficking and slavery”). We strongly believe that we are responsible for promoting ethical and lawful employment practices. These practices are also required to be followed by our suppliers, subcontractors or business partners (collectively referred to as “Suppliers”) worldwide. This policy also complies with the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act.

Statement Of Policy

This policy covers all employees of Sabert Corporation and all of its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as “Sabert”) and all of its Suppliers.  In the event anything in this policy may conflict with local law, local law will control the interpretation and application of this policy.


The following principles will guide our activities in the area of human rights and employment practices:

  • We believe that people should work because they want or need to, not because they are forced to do so. We prohibit the use of prison labor, forcibly indentured labor, bonded labor, slavery, servitude or human trafficking.
  • We do not employ children or support the use of child labor.
  • We recognize, respect, and embrace the cultural differences found in the worldwide marketplace. Our goal is to attract, develop, promote, and retain the best people from all cultures and segments of the population, based on ability. We have zero tolerance for discrimination or harassment of any kind.
  • We ensure that compensation meets or exceeds the legal minimums and is competitive with industry standards. Our compensation practices are in full compliance with all applicable laws.

Sabert will abide by these principles in the manufacture  and distribution of our products and will not accept products or services from Suppliers that fail to comply with these principles.

Supplier Requirements:

All Suppliers are required to comply with the following requirements:

  • Will not use forced or compulsory labor, i.e., any work or service that a worker performs involuntarily, under threat of penalty;
  • Will ensure that the overall terms of employment are voluntary;
  • Will comply with the minimum age requirements prescribed by applicable laws unless a specific contract contains stricter age requirements;
  • Will compensate its workers with wages and benefits that meet or exceed the legally required minimum and will comply with overtime pay requirements

Certifications and Consequences:

When requested, Suppliers must certify that materials incorporated into the products they provide comply with the laws regarding human trafficking and slavery of the country or countries in which they are doing business.  Suppliers must be able to demonstrate compliance with this Policy to the satisfaction of Sabert.

If a Supplier fails to comply with any of our human rights requirements, we will take appropriate action. This can include canceling all contracts and alerting local authorities of any suspected or confirmed illegal activity.

We will continue to evaluate and develop additional means to identify, prevent and mitigate the impact of slavery and human trafficking in our global supply chain.